CopiaFacts contains important features which help an organization to ensure that their secure fax and email communications are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Our software provides the means of secure transmission of Protected Heath Information (PHI), both by fax and by email, which can be used by a HIPAA CE (Covered Entity) as part of their own compliance procedures.
Note: Copia itself cannot assert HIPAA-compliance for CopiaFacts, because ensuring compliance is solely the task of an entity covered by the act (a Covered Entity, CE), such as a health provider, and Copia is not a CE.

What is HIPAA?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA was passed 1996. It modernized the flow of healthcare information and specifically how personally identifiable information is maintained and transmitted.
Fax is a secure method of transimssion of medical documents, but it's important to note that correct handling of documents before and after transmission are key to ensuring HIPAA-Compliance
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How Copia helps enable compliance
CopiaFacts ensure that documents containing PHI are not saved or retained on the computers of a CE after transmission, nor are replicated unnecessarily during conversion between fax and email formats.
Using these features and options allows a CE to be confident that they can achieve HIPAA-compliance with their fax and email communications when handled by CopiaFacts.
Additional Questions
Yes Copia can put in place a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) if your are a Cover Entity that is unable to de-identify PHI information and still need assitance from Copia Technical support.
We can help
Have a unique fax to email problem? Let our experts walk through a solution.
Email and HIPAA?
We do that too - With secure and signed email solutions you can pass both through your CopiaFacts system without worry.